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email Mauro Parodi
Via Opera Pia 11a,
16145, Genoa, Italy
tel: +39-010-353-2758
fax: +39-010-353-2290

Mauro PARODI, Full Professor

last modified November 30, 2017 - 14:43 CET


Mauro PARODI was born in Genoa on November 11, 1948. In 1972 he graduated in Electronic Engineering with “summa cum laude” from the University of Genoa.

On November 1973 he became assistant professor in Electronic Computers at the University of Genoa.

In 1982 he was appointed as associate professor of Electrical Network Theory at the University of Genoa.

In 1985 he has been appointed as full Professor of Basic Circuit Theory at the Biophysical and Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Genoa, a course for the Master degree in Electronic Engineering.

He was a teacher for the Scuola Nazionale Dottorandi di Elettrotecnica “FERDINANDO GASPARINI” in the years 1997, 2006, 2009. His courses concerned “nonlinear circuits theory” and “inverse problems”.

He is member of the Ph.D. Committee in “Scienze e Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Conoscenza” at the University of Genoa.

His scientific and teaching activity is presently focused on the following topics:

  • nonlinear circuits and systems theory;
  • nonlinear modelling;
  • mathematical methods for treatment and classification of experimental data.

He is author or coauthor of more than 100 scientific papers, the most part of which published on international journals.

He was and is currently involved in many national research projects. As scientific responsible of national (PRIN) projects, he was the coordinator of the Genoa research unit in 1998 (title: “Neural and non-linear circuits for one- and multi-dimensional signal processing applications”) and in 2001 (title: “Cellular circuits and algorithms for parallel processing of images”).

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